The following resources have been compiled to assist current and potential entrepreneurs in their business ventures.
Choose your business structure, know the difference between Sole Proprietorship, Limited Liability Companies, Corporations, Partnerships and etc., and which one is right for you.
Access the requirements and documents necessary for your business.
Write your business plan.
Still unsure of how to present your information? Check out this wealth of helpful information or sign up for a mentor.
Don't get blindsided by questions and requests for documents you are not prepared for, know what to discuss with and provide for your lender.
Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) provide assistance to small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs throughout the United States and its territories.
Take on-demand courses and webinars on small business topics to learn more about how to manage your business
Be ready for IT disasters; have your plan in place. Tap into the world of social media to access the world's best advertising strategy ever....word of your customers spread the word for your business by engaging with them in their world.
Additional Downloadable Resources
How Do I Start a Business in Oklahoma? brochure
Guide for building your small business plan and 3-year projections