Cybercrimes have spiked during the COVID pandemic. In April 2020, the FBI reported an almost 300% increase in cybercrime cases. We are also seeing a huge increase of COVID-19 related phishing and business email compromise (BEC) attempts.
Unfortunately, small businesses are the most vulnerable cybercrime targets. Unlike large enterprises, small businesses may not have adequate resources to protect themselves.
In this webinar, cybersecurity experts Jon Clay, Mitchel Chang and Kristin Judge will help you gain some awareness and will provide high-level recommendations on cybercrime defense.
The key areas discussed will include:
A threat landscape update with an emphasis on what has changed since the COVID pandemic
Threat protection for small businesses focusing on phishing, smishing, business email compromise (BEC) and general cybersecurity hygiene for working and schooling from home
A cybercrime and fraud/scam update since the COVID pandemic
Presented by Jon Clay
Jon Clay, Director of Global Threat Communications at Trend Micro, has worked in the cybersecurity space for over 24 years. As an accomplished public speaker, Jon focuses on educating the public about the cyber threat landscape and the use of advanced technologies in protecting against today’s sophisticated threats.
Presented by Mitchel Chang
Mitchel heads Trend Micro’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Initiative for Education. To the CSR programs, he brings his passion to make the digital world safer, along with decades of industry experience and proven successes as a leader. Mitchel has been with Trend Micro since 2003, serving 11 years as Senior Vice President of Global Technical Support.
As part of the executive team, he was responsible for all customer support functions, developing an internationally recognized and award-winning support team. He also served in various cybersecurity advisory boards for several nonprofit and government initiatives such as National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCSA), Cybercrime Support Network (CSN), and NIST NICE 2019 Conference.
Presented by Kristin Judge
To address the needs of cybercrime victims, Kristin founded the nonprofit Cybercrime Support Network and works with federal, state and local law enforcement and consumer protection agencies to help consumers and small businesses affected by cybercrime.
As a thought leader, Kristin has been seen on the C-SPAN Network, local news outlets and called on by technology publications like SC Magazine and Government Technology, to share best practices for online safety. Kristin was named an SC Media “Women in IT Security Influencer” in 2017, and was awarded the “2018 Women of Influence Award” by the Executive Women’s Forum on Information Security,
Risk Management, and Privacy (EWF). She is a national speaker, sharing cybersecurity best practices with elected officials, businesses and consumers, and teaches a LinkedIn Learning course on cybersecurity for small and medium businesses.